Lillianna currently resides in Washington, D.C. During her professional and volunteer career, she has traveled globally empowering communities to influence research, design and produce positive and favorable outcomes in health care policies, specifically in the areas of health care disparity and insecurity. These favorable outcomes provide actual usable outcomes for persons regardless of race, ethnicity, financial ability, and location.
She is a George Washington University College of Professional Studies alumna. She is also a current and active member in the following organizations:
Zero to Three; National Black Child Development Institute; National Association for College Admission Counseling; Mapping Your Future High School Educator; Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development; Workforce GPS Navigator to Success U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration; The Arc Certificate Non-Attorney Special Education Advocate; Home School Legal Defense Association; Washington DC 7D DC Community Advisory Council; UHC DC Enrollee Advisory Committee; DC Metropolitan Police Department Community Engagement Academy Alumni; Founder, Rebuilding Independent My Style.
Lillianna is very passionate about health care policy change and the empowerment of people who experience disparity in access to quality health care. She is looking forward to bringing her professional and volunteer experience to the UnitedHealthcare Community and State Health Equity National Advisory Board.
Learn more about the National Health Equity Advisory Board.